
I'm trying to write an article at Lyx, but I had some problems when I tried
to use a .layout that I created from the .sty file provided by the
conference. I've followed the Customization Instructions (5.2.3) but it
doesn't work at Lyx, especially when I try to add a Title (it says is a
\maketitle problem). Searching the mailing list I found someone who had
almost the same problem, and added

Style TitleERT
     InTitle 1

in the .layout to solve it. I tried to do that, but I still can't compile my

I attached the .sty and .layout files, and a .tex which is an example of


Luis Amorim
% LaTeX definitions for SBC 2001 style
% Created by Jomi Hubner & Rafael Bordini, june 2001
% updated march 2005


% margem sup 3.5 cm: há 1,5 cm para header, + 2 cm para top
% margem inf 2.5 cm: há 1,5 cm para foot, + 1 cm para bottom
% margem esq/dir 3 cm

\parindent 1.27cm
\parskip   6pt


% captions

% font


% new commands
\newcommand{\nextinstitute}{\\\mbox{}\\[-6pt] \addtocounter{instn}{1}\inst{\instnum}}
\renewcommand{\and}{, }

% to avoid [...] in the bibliography
% \item[] instead of \ite...@biblabel{#1}\hfill]
            %% changed!
               \itemindent -\leftmargin
               \itemsep 6pt
      \...@clubpenalty \clubpenalty
       {...@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%

% itens
\setlength\leftmargini   {1.27cm}
\setlength\leftmargin    {\leftmargini}
\setlength\leftmarginii  {\leftmargini}
\setlength\leftmarginiii {\leftmargini}
\setlength\leftmarginiv  {\leftmargini}
\setlength  \labelsep    {.5em}
\setlength  \labelwidth  {\leftmargini}
\addtolength\labelwidth  {-\labelsep}
            \parsep 0\p@ \...@plus1\p@ \...@minus\p@
            \topsep 0\p@ \...@plus2\p@ \...@minus4\p@
\d...@listii {\leftmargin\leftmarginii
              \topsep    0\p@ \...@plus2\p@ \...@minus\p@}
              \topsep    0\p@ \...@plus\p@\...@minus\p@
              \parsep    \z@
              \partopsep \p@ \...@plus\z@ \...@minus\p@}

% sections
                       {-6\p@ \...@plus -4\p@ \...@minus -...@}%
                       {0\p@ \...@plus 4\p@ \...@minus 4...@}%
                        \rightskip=\z@ \...@plus 8em\pretolerance=10000 }}

                       {-6\p@ \...@plus -4\p@ \...@minus -...@}%
                       {0\p@ \...@plus 4\p@ \...@minus 4...@}%
                        \rightskip=\z@ \...@plus 8em\pretolerance=10000 }}



% first page




 %\null % isso dava um espaco extra antes do title
   %\vglue -6pt
%   \vspace*{12pt}
   \vglue 6pt plus 3pt minus 3pt
   \vglue 6pt plus 3pt minus 3pt
   \vglue 6pt plus 3pt minus 3pt

      \list{}{\advance\topsep by6pt\relax%\small
                                    \bfseries\itshape Abstract.]\itshape}%

      \list{}{\advance\topsep by6pt\relax%\small
                                    \bfseries\itshape Resumo.]\itshape}%

Attachment: sbc-template.layout
Description: Binary data

Attachment: sbc-template.tex
Description: TeX document

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