Hi, this is how you do it (you have to add the words in your language
as this code is for spanish):

\...@namedef{thm}{\@thm{\let \...@swap \...@gobble \...@plain }{thm}{Teorema}}
\...@namedef{cor}{\@thm{\let \...@swap \...@gobble \...@plain }{thm}{Corolario}}
\...@namedef{prop*}{\@thm {...@plain }{}{Proposici\'on}}
\...@namedef{example*}{\@thm {...@definition }{}{Ejemplo}}
\...@namedef{xca}{\@thm{\let \...@swap \...@gobble \...@definition 
\...@namedef{rem*}{\@thm {...@remark }{}{Observaci\'on}}

Julio Rojas

On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 7:00 AM, A B <gentosa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I started to write with document class= article and language =
> swedish. I then activated the module "Theorem" and added a theorem and
> a proof.
> In the lyx window it shows "Theorem" and "Proof" (should it not be in swedish?
> But I can live with that lost translation, but the postscript preview
> shows only "Proof" to be translated. "Theorem" is not. So how can I
> fix this? Or have I done something wrong?

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