On 2010-04-05, rgheck wrote:
> On 04/05/2010 01:14 PM, baqijan1 wrote:

>> When I use polynom package in lyx. The html output does not show that
>> parts where macros from polynom package is used. For example, if I
>> have something lik

>> \polylongdiv{x^2-2x+1}{x-1}

>> When I convert lyxt to pdf, there is no problem. Only html does not
>> work. I assume, it should convert these instances to images, which it
>> does not.

> Is this LyX 1.6.x or the alpha release of 2.0? Either way, what HTML 
> converter are you using? It sounds as if it is either elyxer or, if 
> you're in 2.0, then LyX's native XHTML output.

> If you're using elyxer, then there is not really anything you can do. 

WRONG: you can ask the elyxer developer whether support for these
constructs, providing sample input (and preferabely expected output).

> elyxer's math support is pretty basic;

but steadily improving (and for this depends on user feedback).

> You might therefore want to 
> uninstall elyxer (I'm sorry, but that is what you would have to do), 
> reconfigure LyX, and try using htlatex, which has its own issues but 
> handles math better, since it does it all via images. (Of course, that 
> can lead to scaling problems, etc, but at least you get decent output.)

You might want to try whether htlatex supports the polynom package
with a "manual" conversion (export to LaTeX and call htlatex from the
command line) first. Or instead of uninstalling elyxer, define htlatex
as an alternative HMTL converter in Tools>Settings.

> If you are using 2.0,

you will have the choice between all instlled HTML exporters by default
(without the need of manually defining them in Tools>Settings).


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