On Wed, 7 Apr 2010, Steve Litt wrote:

I guess I'll be making a layout file called "mybeamer".


  You seem to enjoy re-inventing the wheel so you'll have fun with this. If
you read the document you'll find a wide range of layouts and colors. Within
those, you can tweak to your heart's content. But, that's not as much fun as
starting from scratch.

The funniest thing was placing a graphic on a page. When I make Powerpoint
presentations I like to put the graphic at the side of the bullet points,
somewhere where the bullet points are short. I couldn't figure a way to do
that in Beamer (makes sense, what I describe is fingerpainting), so instead I
put the graphic at the bottom and then preceded it with the following ERT:

  Well, I do this on a regular basis. It's not difficult at all. RTFM.

In the long run I don't know if I'll be doing these slides in Beamer,

  Nah! Go back to PowerPoint. Easier.


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