On Wednesday 07 April 2010 14:29:26 Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Wed, 7 Apr 2010, Steve Litt wrote:
> > I guess I'll be making a layout file called "mybeamer".
> Steve,
>    You seem to enjoy re-inventing the wheel so you'll have fun with this.
>  If you read the document you'll find a wide range of layouts and colors.
>  Within those, you can tweak to your heart's content. But, that's not as
>  much fun as starting from scratch.
> > The funniest thing was placing a graphic on a page. When I make
> > Powerpoint presentations I like to put the graphic at the side of the
> > bullet points, somewhere where the bullet points are short. I couldn't
> > figure a way to do that in Beamer (makes sense, what I describe is
> > fingerpainting), so instead I put the graphic at the bottom and then
> > preceded it with the following ERT:
>    Well, I do this on a regular basis. It's not difficult at all. RTFM.
> > In the long run I don't know if I'll be doing these slides in Beamer,
>    Nah! Go back to PowerPoint. Easier.

An easy way of achieving what Steve wants in powerdot is to put two boxes side 
by side on the slide (easily done simply by setting their widths to a total of 
about 99% of text width), and putting the text in one and the figure in the 
other.  I imagine this would work in beamer too.

Les Denham

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