Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> In the meantime I found the reason, it has to do with the following
> preamble  parts. Both the sidecap package (taken from the Embedded Objects
> Help) and the {german}{nomencl} (taken from the Lyx list) are candidates.
> I thought I had tried it with the preamble emptied, but forgot apparently
> to press apply.
> I am also including the short Lyx file, in case somebody would like to try
> it
> \usepackage[option]{sidecap}
> \newcommand{\TabBesBeg}{%
>  \let\MyTable\table
>  \let\MyEndtable\endtable
>  \renewenvironment{table}{\begin{SCtable}}{\end{SCtable}}}
> \newcommand{\TabBesEnd}{%
>  \let\table\MyTable
>  \let\endtable\MyEndtable
> \newcommand{\FigBesBeg}{%
>  \let\MyFigure\figure
>  \let\MyEndfigure\endfigure
>  \renewenvironment{figure}{\begin{SCfigure}}{\end{SCfigure}}}
> \newcommand{\FigBesEnd}{%
>  \let\figure\MyFigure
>  \let\endfigure\MyEndfigure}
> \PassOptionsToPackage{german}{nomencl}
> \renewcommand{\nomname}{Glossar}

The reason for the iconv problem is that you have fi-Ligatures in your 
preamble instead of two separate characters fi. This applies to all occurences 
of "figure" in your preamble. Just retype the "fi"s in the respective 

I also get some other errors. The option "option" is unkown by the sidecap 
package, also there's a missing brace here:

> \newcommand{\TabBesEnd}{%
>  \let\table\MyTable
>  \let\endtable\MyEndtable}%<---Closing brace added.

After fixing all this, the document compiles here.


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