On 09/16/2010 03:06 AM, Graham Smith wrote:
I have two timetables within the same document.

One is the main timetable which has the lecture title and a summary of
its content. The other is a summary timetable that goes on the back
page of the document, and just has the date and lecture title.

With Word I can use" Bookmarks" to auto-update the summary timetable
when I edit the main timetable. The dates are fixed so its only the
lecture titles that get edited and re-arranged.

Is there some way of doing this in Lyx.

It can easily be done in LaTeX, by defining macros that contain the dates and titles and then using those more than once. You can do this in LyX, too, therefore, using ERT, but there's no native support for it. So e.g.:
    \newcommand\datea{10 September 2010}
    \newcommand\dateb{12 October 2010}
    \newcommand\datec{20 November 2010}
    \newcommand\titlea{Wow, What a Title!}
    \newcommand\titleb{This Will Be Great}
    \newcommand\titlec{Lorem Ipsum}
Put that where you like, e.g., in the preamble. If you want to be able to use LyX to edit the text part, then you can do this in the main body of the document:
    [ERT]\newcommand\titlea{[/ERT]Now we're in LyX mode[ERT]}[/ERT]
You could also put these things in a separate child document and include it to keep from cluttering your main document with ERT.

Then in the tables:
etc, where you need it. The braces are just to make sure nothing odd happens following the command.


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