On 2/2/2011 9:35 PM, Gabriel Kniffin wrote:

Unfortunately I'm still getting the same "...cannot determine size of graphic in..." errors when trying to build a .pdf.

You mentioned in a previous message that the images are all EPS files, and IIRC you said that they show up in DVI and PS output but not in PDF output. That suggests that LyX is failing to convert them to a preferred format for PDF output. (EPS images go directly into PS output without format change, and I believe that's also true of DVI output.)

First check: View > PDF and, with LyX still open, peek into the temporary directory and see if the EPS files were copied there (with name changes) and if there are copies with the same file names but .pdf extensions. My guess is the answers will be yes and no in that order.

Next, go to Tools > Preferences... > File Handling > Converters and confirm that there is at least one converter defined from EPS to PDF, and that the converter line reads 'epstopdf --outfile=$$o $$i'. On my Windows box, the converter is from EPS to PDF (ps2pdf) rather than to PDF (pdflatex), but that does not seem to matter -- when I run View PDF (pdflatex), LyX runs epstopdf.

Finally, open a command shell and run 'kpsewhich epstopdf.exe'. If MiKTeX is correctly installed, it should return the path to epstopdf.exe.


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