On 13/07/11 16:38, Anders Host-Madsen wrote:
My ability to make documents look the way I want them to is limited.

In my personal opinion, this is the weakness of LaTeX/LyX.
LaTeX is great when you write for a medium
with a defined formatting, e.g., a journal, and they give you a
style file to use. Then you just fill out the
contents. But if you a free to format your document, and have
specific ideas on how it should look like, it's
not that convenient. I found the easiest way is to use
LaTeX packages such as enumitem, fancyhdr, and
titlesec. Once you have formatted one document, you
can use it as template for following documents.

Not to imply that LyX is lacking in any way in this area (simply because I don't know), but I know that LyX is at least great for people like me, who are completely content to use a basic/default/ordinary LaTeX formatting :-) I just use it in order to have the power of LaTeX with less difficulty and better readability while I write.

So I'm glad that I can automatically get a great looking document without having to do any "formatting work".

- Torquil

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