On Jul 13, 2011, at 10:19 AM, Trevor Jenkins wrote:

> I'm a Mac user too and make extensive use of both Scrivener and LyX/LaTeX. 
> But they are no competitive products. LyX is at the end of the pre-press 
> cycle; it's about presentation....

Thanks for the guidance, Trevor. I'm with you 100 percent -- except for being 
an absolute novice regarding LyX/LaTeX. For longer writing projects Scrivener 
is my application of choice, for its design, the way it works, the way it 
supports extended writing, and for the generous and helpful support available 
from the developer and the user community. I have not thought of LyZ as a 
replacement, or even as a writing tool, but just exactly the way you described 
it, for the presentation of the work when the writing is over. 

> As an aside I use Journler as a "commonplace book" for keeping quotations, 
> reflections and general ideas prior to writing documents. When writing a 
> document I copy-and-paste the quotes from Journler to Scrivener....

I thought I knew about all the free-form database applications there were, but 
I've never heard of this one. I haven't found anything that's really 
satisfactory. I've had fairly long experience with a little self-contained, 
browser-based wiki, but support for it for me is problemmatic. I've just 
started experimenting with a wiki plugin for the editor Vim. I don't have a 
good sense yet how well it's going to work for me.

> Remember though that the final presentation of your document has little to do 
> with LyX itself and everything to do with LaTeX. If you want to create your 
> own presentation formats then concentrate on that first. Then adapt LyX to 
> support your requirements. 

I had thought that as a front-end for LaTeX LyX would be a way for me to get 
started with LaTeX, and to create styles for the mainly simple kinds of 
documents I create. Maybe not.

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA  USA

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