On 07/22/2011 08:14 AM, Francesc Gispert Sanchez wrote:
> Hi, I am new at using LyX and I'm trying to create an alphabetic index
> in a book. However, there's no such option in the book layout, so I've
> been trying to use a custom index.
What do you mean by an "alphabetic index"? Do you need two indexes, or
is it just the title that you want to change? If the latter, then you
can use the normal index and change the title fairly easily. Just put:
    \renewcommand\indexname{Alphabetic Index}
into the preamble.

> I created it by adding a new index called 'Alphabetic index' in Document >
> Settings > Indexes. Then I selected the text I wanted to add in the
> index and I added it with Insert > Index entry (Alphabetic index), and a
> gray box with green letters appeared. 
> After that, I inserted the alphabetic index somewhere in the book
> (Insert > Indexes > Index: Alphabetic index) and a gray box labeled
> 'Alphabetic index' appeared right there. 
> But when I try to export it as a PDF, there is no index (apart from the
> default table of contents).
> Am I doing something wrong? If so, how am I supposed to add multiple
> indexes?
I don't know what is happening, but please see the attached.


Attachment: index.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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