Hi Xu,

Thank you for your appreciation. I cannot advance anymore without any help
from Lyx gurus.
I think I have extracted all the information I can from the help docs. If I
get any answer to my questions, I can construct a little bit smarter module
but the one we have now is already usable. With some supplementary tricks
from the sagetex documentation and through manual executions of the
latex-sage-latex chain, it is possible to make a lot of computations.

I was also very agreeably surprised that this module can be used for
conversion to HTML from LyX, with figures and all.

I attach to this message the module in its actual stage and some
instruction for making the conversion chain functional. I hope this would
already help some of you.

As soon as I have more information, I will try to complete the module file.

Best regards,


2011/10/31 Xu Wang <xuwang...@gmail.com>

> Dear Murat,
> This is great! I have been waiting for something like this for a long
> time. I also like the Sweave-like philosophy of this. It's more transparent
> and reproducible.
> I am looking forward to the final release with much excitement.
> Thank you for your work!
> Best,
> Xu
> On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 12:54 PM, Murat Yildizoglu <myi...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Just another mail to correct a problem with the preceding Lyx file (see
>> the new file attached, and the $ signs in ERT boxes, this is connected with
>> the problem I describe below) and ask a question about insets again:
>> What kind of Flex insets can be included in a math mode text? Is this
>> possible at all? Especially in displayed equation where one would like to
>> include results from SAge computations?
>> I cannot write the following in math mode in Lyx, putting the left member
>> in a displayed equation and the right member in a sagecode inset that would
>> be converted to the expression I give  (\sage{integral(x/(x^2+1),x,0,1))
>>        \dfrac{\partial^{4}y}{\partial
>> x^{4}}=\sage{integral(x/(x^2+1),x,0,1)}
>> I meet two problems:
>> 1/ I cannot insert a Flex:sagecommand inset in a displayed equation, Lyx
>> just goes to the next line before inserting it...
>> 2/ I cannot type the sagetex instruction (*sage{}  ) by hand, because
>>  "x^2" in the right member must not be interpreted by LyX, since Sage will
>> need it for its computation.
>> I can of course type everything in an ERT, but this cannot be called
>> "integration" can it? ;-)
>> I have reread again the help document on layouts and insets, and I have
>> checked the files that come in the layout folder of LyX, but cannot find
>> any answer to my question.
>> Sorry for bothering you again with my problems... I hope that Sage
>> integration will interest other people...
>> Murat
>> I definitely need the help of a Lyx wizard who understands well the
>> insets and their integration in Lyx/Latex...
>> 2011/10/31 Murat Yildizoglu <myi...@gmail.com>
>>> Just to show you the kind of niceties that such an integration can
>>> bring, I send you two files. One is the Lyx source and the other one is the
>>> final PDF.
>>> In Lyx, I just click on the  Preview button and wait a little bit to get
>>> the final PDF that I show here, with results of the computations done by
>>> Sage and converted back to Latex.
>>> The module isfar from perfect yet (this is the first module I am
>>> creating), a better integration between the Latex output by Sage, and the
>>> math mode in LyX would be implemented to have nice equations typeset with
>>> equation numbers and what not. You can also see that the output of the
>>> integral by Sage is not very beautiful...
>>> I will continue to work on this module, but it is already useful for me
>>> and eliminates some regrets I feel ;-), since I have dropped Scientific
>>> Workplace in favor of LyX.
>>> I hope that you will like this new possibilities.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Murat
>>> PS. Sage lives in: http://www.sagemath.org
>>> --
>>> Prof. Murat Yildizoglu
>>> Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV
>>> GREThA (UMR CNRS 5113)
>>> Avenue Léon Duguit
>>> 33608 Pessac cedex
>>> France
>>> yi...@u-bordeaux4.fr
>>>  http://yildizoglu.info
>>> http://www.twitter.com/yildizoglu
>> --
>> Prof. Murat Yildizoglu
>> Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV
>> GREThA (UMR CNRS 5113)
>> Avenue Léon Duguit
>> 33608 Pessac cedex
>> France
>> yi...@u-bordeaux4.fr
>> http://yildizoglu.info
>> http://www.twitter.com/yildizoglu

Prof. Murat Yildizoglu

Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV
Avenue Léon Duguit
33608 Pessac cedex


h <http://myildi.e-jemed.org/>ttp://yildizoglu.info

The Sage module allows the use of the open source Sage mathematical platform 
for computations in Lyx (with results inserted in the final PDF file), in a 
somewhat similar way for R-project with the Sweave module.

To be able to use it, you must have Sage installed on your computer and the 
"sage" command must be in the path.
See : http://www.sagemath.org/

Sage speaks Latex and can interact with it through the sagetex.sty package.

See: http://www.sagemath.org/doc/tutorial/sagetex.html#sec-sagetex


0/ You must have a working Sage system on your computer and the sage command 
must be on the PATH (open a console and type sage and RETURN key to check it 
this is the case).

1/Add the sage.module in the layouts folder of your local LyX configuration 
(depends on the system). Start LyX and reconfigure it.
You can now add the Sage module to a new document. This module provides 
   - the environments: sageblock and sagesilent
   - the commands: \sage (to be used in-line) and \sageplot (as an environment, 
can be included in a Figure float)
and it needs the sagetex.sty package to be available in your local Tex 
Justfollow the instructions given in the documentation of this package, for 

2/ Add the following sections elements in the preferences file that lives in 
your personal lyx config folder (depends on the system)

# FORMATS SECTION ##########################

\format "pdf10" "pdf" "PDF" "" 
"\"/Applications/_Editiontextes/Skim.app/Contents/MacOS/Skim\"" "" 
\format "sage" "sage" "Sage" "" "" "" "document"
\default_view_format pdf10

# CONVERTERS SECTION ##########################

\converter "latex" "sage" "latex" "latex"
\converter "sage" "pdf10" "compile-pdf-sage.sh $$b" ""

3/ You need a bash file for automatically running the .sage file and get the 
results in the final pdf file

This compile-pdf-sage.sh should be on your path, with the following content:
pdflatex $1.tex
exit 0

You can just convert your Lyx document to Sage and then go to the temporary 
folder and execute manually 

(pdf)latex mysagedoc.tex -> generates mysagedoc.sage
sage mysagedoc.sage
(pdf)latex mysagedoc.tex

Remaining problems and questions:
1/ How to setup options for environments? Example: 
\sageplot[width=12cm]{plot(sin(x), 0, pi), axes=True} -> Bug fix by Richard
2/ How to insert Flex insets in math mode, in displayed equations?
 $\dfrac{\partial^{4}y}{\partial x^{4}}=\sage{integral(x/(x^2+1),x,0,1)}$
x^2 must not be interpreted by LyX in the second part of the equality, since 
Sage will need it for its computation.
3/ \sage{} does not automatically switch to the math mode. These insets must be 
inserted between two $ sign put in ERT boxes. Then, the problem remains for the 
displayed equations where one would like to include Sage results.

Attachment: sage.module
Description: Binary data

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