
I've found the mhchem module from CTAN to be very useful for writing
chemical equations. It works beautifully for pdf output. However, when
I export to HTML, it looks like the mhchem codes don't get interpreted
at all. I get things like:  "\ceNa +" and "\ceNO3 −"  right in the
text, instead of formatted chemistry. The rest of the document comes
out looking very nice; mathematical equations look great.

I'm using Lyx v. 2.0.0 on an Ubuntu (11.11) machine. I get the same
problem, whether I'm using the "LyxHTML" exporter or the "HTML"

What am I doing wrong? Is it a Lyx problem, an mhchem problem or an
HTML-conversion problem? Can it be fixed?

Thank you in advance for your help!


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