On Friday, February 24, 2012, Richard Heck wrote:

> On 02/24/2012 08:46 AM, Jonas Lindh wrote:
> > Hi.
> > After updating etc I can't seem to get my references into the compiled
> > pdf using lyx 2.0.2 on macosx 10.7.3 and a bst that used to work great
> > from a professor at my dept. MacTeX 2011 is installed and updated
> > using Tex live...
> >
> > I am attaching the bst.+AKA-
> >
> > The output gives me (?) for refs and error for bibtex is :
> > This is 8-bit Big BibTeX version 0.99d
> > Implementation: +AKA-C for Unix
> > Release version: 3.71 (31 May 2005)
> >
> > Error: cannot open CS file: 88591lat.csf
> > The top-level auxiliary file: thesis+AF8-vers16.1.aux
> > I couldn't open style file
> > 45+AF8-Users+AF8-jonas+AF8-Dropbox+AF8-thesis+AF8-version16+AF8-mybib.bst
> > ---line 1387 of file thesis+AF8-vers16.1.aux
> > +AKA-:
> >
> +AFw-bibstyle+AHs-45+AF8-Users+AF8-jonas+AF8-Dropbox+AF8-thesis+AF8-version16+AF8-mybib
> > +AKA-: +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA-
> > +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA-
> > +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKAAfQ-
> > I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
> > I couldn't open database file
> >
> 44+AF8-Users+AF8-jonas+AF8-Dropbox+AF8-thesis+AF8-version16+AF8-thesis+AF8-vers16.bib
> > ---line 1388 of file thesis+AF8-vers16.1.aux
> > +AKA-:
> >
> +AFw-bibdata+AHs-44+AF8-Users+AF8-jonas+AF8-Dropbox+AF8-thesis+AF8-version16+AF8-thesis+AF8-vers16
> > +AKA-: +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA-
> > +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA-
> > +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AKA- +AH0-
> > I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
> > I found no database files---while reading file thesis+AF8-vers16.1.aux
> > I found no style file---while reading file thesis+AF8-vers16.1.aux
> >
> I'm not sure what you updated, but it looks as if LaTeX simply isn't
> finding the bst file.

I ran tex check... Then checked log - bibtex

> It also looks as if LyX is copying it to your
> temporary directory, and THEN LaTeX isn't finding it. This may be due to
> some changes in how local files are handled in 2.0.2.

Suspected that too and put it in the same folder as the lyx doc, but also
in tex folders I could think of and find documentation of, but didn't help,
maybe need to put in yet another path, somebody knows where it's looking on

> I'd suggest that
> you put the bst file in some location where LaTeX will find it without
> its having to be copied to the temporary directory. Where this is on
> Mac, I'm afraid I do not know.
> After you get this error, you might also look in the temporary
> directory. Is the referenced file there?

Which tmp? Lyx?
Thanks for answering so quickly...

> Richard


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