On 2012-07-26, Carlos Eduardo de Brito Novaes wrote:

> I use lyx for some years, and use some (very few) advanced features. By
> now I intend to create a command to create a list of simbols in abnt
> style. So I wrote this in the preamble, for testing reasons only.

> \newcommand{\simbolo}[2]
> {
>   \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}
>     {Then1}
>     {Else1}
>  \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}
>     {Then2}
>     {Else2}
> }

> And in plain latex I would use:

> ...a vector defined in 
>      \simbolo{$R^{n}$}{Euclidian Space of dimension n} is ...

> wich works as expected.

> But in lyx, I had found out that if I insert a ert (wrote ert in <> and the 
> text in $$ is inserted with lyx math mode): 

Don't nest an ERT-inset in a math-inset. Instead, type in a math-box

and you will get the LaTeX $\simbolo{ } with the cursor between the braces
(open View>LaTeX Source to see the effect).

Now insert the first argument and type

to get an unescaped pair of braces for the second argument.

This is described in the mathematics manual (Help>Maths).
> Do you have any suggestions?

Consider creating a math-macro instead of a preamble definition. (Again, see
the mathematics manual for guidance.


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