Hi Wolfgang,

I'm glad they were helpful:

On Tue, 2012-12-11 at 10:36 +0100, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> Am Montag, 10. Dezember 2012, 21:31:25 schrieben Sie:
> Hi, Rob, 
> has this been done already:
> TeXLive 2009 is included with Ubuntu 10.04, if you are able to update your 
> Linux distribution. If not, it is possible to install newer versions of 
> TeXLive alongside an existing install. I am currently working on a blog 
> post that explains how this is done and I will post it when finished.

A lot of those entries have gotten a bit long in the tooth (though I
think everything is still applicable, one of the really nice thing about
TeX and LyX, it never feels like there is a system of planned

Regarding how to upgrade TeX Live, I did write a post describing how to
do it: http://blog.oak-tree.us/index.php/2010/07/15/latex-custom

Though it talks about LaTeX 2010, the instructions can be adapted to
nearly any LaTeX distribution, as far as I know. I used the same
procedure recently to install TeXLive 2012.

(Speaking of which, if you use TeXLive 2012 and luaTeX, be very careful.
They've made some big changes, and it's caused a bunch of things to
break. Or, at least none of my luaTeX documents will compile anymore;
both from LyX and pure TeX. I haven't yet had time to sort out where the
problem is.)

I'd love to link to a more updated set of instructions. When you finish
your post, let me know, I'll to post a link.



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