On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Hridayesh Gupta
<hridayeshi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have selected system fonts as you told. Still getting error when compiling
> using LuaTeX. I got following errors
> 1. Package fontenc error: package file eu2enc.def not found
> 2. encoding scheme eu2 unknown.
> 3. file xunicode.sty not found
You have some missing packages. Go to packages.ubuntu.com and 'Search
the contents of packages'. If you search for 'eu2enc.def', you will
get [1]. This will indicate the Debian packages that you are still
missing, in this case 'texlive-xetex', that you can install via
Synaptic. Do the same for 'xunicode.sty', etc.


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