"Jürgen Spitzmüller" <sp...@lyx.org> írta:
>Am Montag 21 Oktober 2013, 10:18:06 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:
>> Yes, that's what I meant when I said that I have not dealt yet with nested 
>> enumerations. Nested enumerations disturbed the resume counter.
>> Try the attached module and example.
>Attached now.


It works.

But I don't know how I supposed to use it.

1. To set enumerate-resume only to parent levels where I need resuming.

In this case to set the nested sublevels to normal enumerate.

2. To set everything, including the nested sublevels, to enumerate-resume.

I tried both and both worked.

Still I am curious if I can change in the local layout the end of

an environment; e.g to change "\end{enumerate}"  to 

"\end{enumerate} \seti". Is is possible?

Thank you for your work.


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