On 2014-02-12, stefano franchi wrote:

> And switching from LuaTeX to pdflatex is not
> really an option, as the document and the bibliography have a mix of
> English, French, and Italian, with lots of diacritics. I would have to
> manually convert everything to Latex's codes, I guess. Or find a tool that
> does it for me.

As long as you do not include "esoteric" Unicode characters, also 8-bit
tex engines (pdflatex/latex) should work as long as you set the right
LaTeX input encoding.

  In LyX, this means Document>Settings>Language>Encoding: Unicode (utf8).

  In the LaTeX source, this translates to \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}

This should do the trick for Latin (including Latin-extended and many more
diacritics), Greek (with a not too old TeX distribution) and Cyrillic

BibTeX has some problems with Unicode, but BibLaTeX should work with
8-bit tex engines, too.

As I am working on LaTeX Unicode support, I would be interested in
problem reports.


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