Jonas Weiher wrote:
> Hello,
> my professor wants a slightly different design of the table of contents:
> 1. Lyx makes the section title and page-number in TOC bold and the other
> levels normal. My professor wants all in normal, so the section-title and
> -pagenumber shouldn't be bold.
> 2. The section-level has no filling dots between title and page-number in
> the doc but the other levels have them. My professor wants also filling
> dots in the section-level.

All these settings depend on the document class. Which one do you use?

> How can I do these 2 things in Lyx? I've tried to right-click the
> TOC-placeholder because I thought that could be set there, but I can't find
> any setting for that.

Some document classes allow for direct customization of TOC appearance. 
Alternatively, you need to use a specific LaTeX package such as tocloft. E.g. 
in preamble:



> Thanks,
> Jonas

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