Ok, I’m at my wit’s end here.  I have tried everything now and can’t get the 
DVI to work.

Here’s what I have:
- 2 M100’s, 1 with 24K and and 1 with 32K
- 2 very clean DVI boxes with a single drive
- 2 DVI to M100 cables
- 2 DVI boot disks

The cables have been tested by the guy who made them.  So have the boot disks 
for the DVI.  There are 2 boot disks for backup.

The M100’s both work great.

Here’s the steps I take:
- connect the cable from the M100 to the DVI.  I’ve double and triple-checked 
that the cable connections are solid and correct on both ends
- connect a monitor to the DVI
- turn on the monitor
- turn on the M100
- turn on the DVI without a disk
- when it asks for the disk, put it in and close the drive door
- the DVI boots to the Microsoft screen
- press RESET or CNTL-BREAK-RESET on the M100

This is extremely frustrating.  I bought 2 of everything just to rule out where 
the issue could be and yet it makes no difference.

I just bought a new DVI, thinking that was the issue because I have 2 of all 
the other pieces and couldn’t get it to work.  It acts exactly the same way as 
the first DVI.

I’ll buy a beer for anyone who can help me figure out what’s happening here :)



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