So, I had a VEE problem a while back, and I haven't got around to replacing the 
caps on that motherboard yet.  I pulled the board from a parts machine which 
I'd already cannibalized for its LCD and keyboard, and swapped it into mine.  
(Actually, I didn't even bother pulling the board, I just put the bottom half 
of the parts machine together with the top half of 'my' machine.)

Anyhow.  That was fine, for a while, but last week I pulled it out to show a 
relative over the holidays, and within seconds of turning the power switch on 
the LCD started to fade, as though someone was turning the contrast knob down.  
I turned the contrast knob up a bit and got the display back, but it continued 
to slowly fade and I continued to chase it with the contrast knob until I hit 
the end of travel, then sadly watched it fade to total blankness.

The machine still works in the sense that I can turn it on and get a beep from 
the BEEP command in BASIC, but the display is totally blank.

Is this likely to be another (different) bad capacitor on the motherboard I'm 
using now, or is this likely to be something on the LCD board itself?  Ie. If I 
replace the caps on my original motherboard and swap it back in, am I likely to 
still have a blank display?


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