Hey Tom,

The fix I just checked in only does simple quote detection with direct ASCII value save to the host. To implement something like a C style escape sequence feature, I would probably add two new Menu items for this. Something like "Save Escaped" or "Save C Style" and "Load Escaped", etc. That way it is clear what you are doing and doesn't break existing functionality.

One other bug I know of with VT's load and save features in ASCII mode: it doesn't work with PC-8201 emulation. The tokens are different, and so is the representation of floating point numbers. I recall when I added this feature (like maybe 16 years ago, litterally), I spent a couple of days trying to figure out the tokenization / detokenization for PC-8201, but never got there.


For something li

On 3/25/20 1:04 AM, Tom Wilson wrote:
Yeah, I experienced the same thing. At the very least, the de-tokenizer needs to scan for quotes and set an "inQuote" flag when it hits a quote and export those as their ASCII value, not their token code. However, it would be really nice if we could get some sort of hex tokens, such as \xFF, so the files would be 8-bit safe and we could construct BASIC programs on the PC without having to hack in extended ASCII codes after the fact.

Tom Wilson
wilso...@gmail.com <mailto:wilso...@gmail.com>

On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 12:23 AM Peter Noeth <petern0...@gmail.com <mailto:petern0...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Does that include bug fixes from v1.7?

    I sent Ken a PM back a while ago describing a bug I found, but got
    no response.

    The problem occurs when transferring a BASIC program from VirtualT
    to the PC in ASCII format. The bug concerns any BASIC program that
    uses embedded ASCII characters with the value greater than 127d
    directly in PRINT statements. When these characters are used (for
    example, the downward pointing triangle, 167d A7h), the ASCII
    character value is not preserved in the saved output file, but
    instead a BASIC keyword is substituted.

    For example (+ character is really 167d, input with the keyboard
    sequence [CODE]_ ):
    A program containing the line:
    11510 PRINT@280,"++";

     is saved in the ASCII format output file as:
    11510 PRINT@280,"GOTOGOTO";

    I am not sure if the keyword GOTO is the actual substitution, as I
    am away from my "development" computer and can verify, but it
    illustrates the basic problem. Likely, as BASIC keywords are
    probably represented as values higher than 127d, and the routine
    in VirtualT to save a file on the PC in ASCII format is not
    setting a flag to track the occurrences of the " character pairs
    and interpret any characters within as ASCII characters and not
    BASIC keywords.



       Message: 10
       Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2020 13:27:39 -0700
       From: Ken Pettit <petti...@gmail.com <mailto:petti...@gmail.com>>
       To: m100@lists.bitchin100.com <mailto:m100@lists.bitchin100.com>
       Subject: Re: [M100] Building VirtualT
       Message-ID: <5e7a6d3b.4020...@gmail.com
       Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"; Format="flowed"

       Hey Guys,

       Steven Hurd also converted the SourceForge.net cvs repo to a
    git repo.
       Both he and I have been making updates to that repo.  I am working
       toward a VT 1.8 release.


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