Of course I need to ask the question that hasn't been asked yet:

Why go to all the trouble of trying to save off a file from VirtualT to the host using TS-DOS and the virtual NADSBox emulation? Why not just use the "File -> Save to HD" menu option?


On 5/21/21 6:28 PM, Stephen Adolph wrote:
I cant test this.  It is entirely internal.

From what I read you have

Virtual T NEC, with TSDOS
Chatting with
Virtual Nadsbox
Using internal connection.

If you could show that real NEC has this issue then I am all set to snoop it.
You could use laddieAlpha as a client for example.

On Friday, May 21, 2021, Stephen Adolph <twospru...@gmail.com <mailto:twospru...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I think I just made a testbed for that.
    Happy to set up and capture traces

    On Friday, May 21, 2021, Gary Weber <g...@web8201.com
    <mailto:g...@web8201.com>> wrote:

        Yeah, that's interesting.  Suppose we could "sniff"
        what TS-DOS is doing, as this is 100% repeatable.  In my case,
        every test I've done results in the file handle not being
        closed, so it must never be sending the opcode.  That just
        seems very weird to me, though.

        On Fri, May 21, 2021 at 4:39 PM John R. Hogerhuis
        <jho...@pobox.com <mailto:jho...@pobox.com>> wrote:

            Which would be a bug in TSDOS. Which either would have to
            be fixed there or we close the file after a timeout or
            some other TPDD command can be used as an indication the
            file is no longer being written. Like if the directory
            starts being enumerated.

            -- John.

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