On Tue, Feb 28, 2023 at 4:55 PM grima...@gmail.com <grima...@gmail.com>

> Thanks all!
> At some point I’ll look into adding Tokenization directly into Github.

Awesome. It looks like compiling and running a C program may be trivial in
the yaml file:

- uses: actions/checkout@v3

- run:   |
         ./tokenize FOO.DO

By the way, you may be able to use a Python lexer, such as ply
<https://www.dabeaz.com/ply/ply.html>, to create a Python program from my
flex source code. However, I suspect that will be more work than it's

I also used a line renumberer which brought down the .BA file to 76% of the
> previous version.

Wow. What renumberer did you use? And why did renumbering reduce the file

By the way, a tokenizer should be able to reduce the file size dramatically
by simply omitting the string after REM statements. Having it remove
vestigial lines completely would be slightly trickier and probably require
a second pass as it'd have to make sure the line was not a target of GOTO
(or any of the other varied ways of referring to line numbers).


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