Hello (yes, I'm still alive, and still trying to get myself going again on the 
MVT100 font optimization/beautification project...)

I just wanted to chime in here on the use of the MVT100 on the BCR port and my 
experience.  It's *wonderful*.  It's a pretty easy mod inside the machine 
(solder a single jumper wire) and it allows me to use my M100 simultaneously 
with a serial line to a TPDD emulator and a (TTL) serial line to the MVT100 to 
a VGA monitor.  The current version of MVT100 can be powered right off the BCR 
port too (I modified my earlier version board for this, which again is an easy 
single jumper wire mod).  I happen to use this a lot for Wordstar on CP/M but 
it works just as well as the real DVI (imho) for Model T native software.  Huge 
upside vs using the DVI is not having to have a huge box on one's desk, not 
having to have the DVI hooks loaded and the various conflicts I understand this 
creates, and not having to worry about being able to read DVI disks/images on a 
PC because I'm loading/saving my files right to my Nextcloud via LaddieAlpha.

Being able to switch the TPDD emulator easily (ideally via a hotkey or escape 
sequence sent over the serial port) to open a tty session on the host box so I 
could use Linux from the Model T and VGA monitor would be icing.


From: M100 <m100-boun...@lists.bitchin100.com> On Behalf Of John R. Hogerhuis
Sent: Tuesday, May 9, 2023 13:16
To: m...@bitchin100.com
Cc: m100@lists.bitchin100.com
Subject: Re: [M100] Any further info on TDock?

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What do you want it to do?

MVT100 exists. https://bitchin100.com/wiki/index.php?title=VT100

If you want external display and storage, I could possibly create a build of 
LaddieAlpha with a display window, terminal emulation and some kind of serial 
line multiplexing. Then any small form factor computer capable of running Mono 
or .NET with a serial port (pi) could be a dock. But with multiplexing, you 
either have rigid modes or else TPDD, TELCOM, etc have to be aware and 
cooperate with the multiplexer.

Or... IIRC I think MVT100 can use a cassette connector bitbang serial hack... 
which would free up the RS232 connector for file I/O client, TELCOM, ...

-- John.

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