
The HD version is a software / hardware integrated solution that has been 
designed to work with Pro Tools Avid hardware.  So avoid this version unless 
you have a lot of cash and want to go down this route.

In the meantime, why not check out the podcasts on Apple Vis.  There are about 
7 of them, and I can't comment on how good or bad they are, as have not 
listened to them yet.

You will find part 1 at:

On 17 Jul 2013, at 21:25, Gordon Smith <gor...@mac-access.net> wrote:

> Hi Chris
> Yes, you're correct, that's the exact keyboard I have.  So great to hear that 
> it is compatible.  If that's the case I will go and look to see what the 
> price of ProTools is and, if it's something we can afford I'll try and obtain 
> it assuming, of course, you can buy it on line and download it.  What's the 
> difference between Protools and Protools HD?  I'd imagine that I would only 
> require ProTools unless it's going to make a huge difference.
> Kind regards
> <--- Gordon Smith --->
> <gor...@mac-access.net>
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> ------------------------------
> On 17 Jul 2013, at 21:14, Chris Moore <moor...@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
>> Gordon,
>> You have described a MIDI controller keyboard, which you probably connect 
>> via USB.  This will work with all music software on Mac OS X.  Pro Tools 
>> used to insist on Pro Tools compliant hardware, but even Pro Tools 9 onwards 
>> supports M Audio gear.
>> Your keyboard will work with Logic no problem.  Most MIDI controller 
>> keyboard / mother keyboards tend not to have any sound hardware built in, as 
>> it is not required.  However, you can use MIDI enabled synths and 
>> workstations etc to perform the same task, but obviously these tend to cost 
>> more.
>> Overall, Garage Band is pretty accessible, the only major hurdle is that it 
>> is not possible to edit MIDI events.
>> Seems like a big number of us have requested improved support in this area 
>> from Apple, and I imagine a number of users have probably emailed Apple 
>> regarding Logic X.  So here's hoping, as I really miss using this baby.
>> Chris 
>> On 17 Jul 2013, at 21:01, Gordon Smith <gor...@mac-access.net> wrote:
>>> Hi Chris
>>> We may do that as well.  But Lynne decided to take the plunge, and if this 
>>> turns out to be a damp squibb, then it's we who will have paid the price I 
>>> guess.  ProTools is about 4 times the price, and the other aspect that made 
>>> us decide to try it was because of the keyboard which I have.  It's a 4 
>>> octave M-Audio keyboard which has been kind of butchered by the 
>>> manufacturers so that all the synthesiser and other internal stuff is 
>>> missing.  It's designed to work only with GarageBand but I'm hoping it will 
>>> work with Logic as well.  I take your point though about importing 
>>> projects.  I'm just hoping that the rest of it is accessible, as in the 
>>> multitrack editors and mixers etc..  If not, then we'll have to think 
>>> again.  I really cannot afford to pay hundreds for the software and twice 
>>> as much again for the keyboard to make ProTools work properly.
>>> Kind regards
>>> <--- Gordon Smith --->
>>> <gor...@mac-access.net>
>>> Telephone:
>>> United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
>>> 0800 8620538
>>> Mobile:
>>> +44 7907 823971
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>>> +44 1642 688095
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>>> +1 209 436 9443
>>> Vic.  Australia:
>>> +61 38 8205930
>>> Vic.  Australia
>>> +61 39 0284505
>>> Fax:
>>> +44 1642 365123
>>> Follow Us On Twitter:
>>> <http://twitter.com/maciosaccess>
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>>> <skype:mac-access-dot-net?call>
>>> ------------------------------
>>> On 17 Jul 2013, at 20:55, Chris Moore <moor...@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
>>>> Gordon,
>>>> I have not purchased Logic X yet, as already have Logic 9 Studio which I 
>>>> used to use whilst I could see.  Since Logic 8, you have always been able 
>>>> to import Garage Band projects, so nothing new here.  
>>>> Most of the library which you download for Logic X, used to come on 
>>>> various DVDs  with logic 9 Studio.
>>>> Were you not tempted to purchase Pro Tools? Pro Tools is much more 
>>>> accessible on the Mac than Logic.
>>>> I think Logic is fantastic value for money, so do hope Voiceover support 
>>>> is improved.
>>>> Chris 
>>>> On 17 Jul 2013, at 20:18, Gordon Smith <gor...@mac-access.net> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all
>>>>> Well, I've only just started playing and the downloading of the 
>>>>> additional plug-ins and sample instruments is huge, just under 50GB in 
>>>>> total.  So far, I can only say that the in initial projects window is 
>>>>> much more accessible than the previous version of Logic Pro that I tried 
>>>>> on my brother-in-law's Mac about a year ago.  All I got that time was 
>>>>> Unknown, unknown, from VoiceOver.  Now, I am getting the correct project 
>>>>> status read as I scroll through the demos.
>>>>> Too soon to get over-excited but one thing I can tell you.  It supports 
>>>>> GarageBand projects and enhances them according to the documentation.  So 
>>>>> if you've used GB to create a project, you can import it into Logic Pro X 
>>>>> and do enhanced work.  It comes with over a thousand samples, loops and 
>>>>> virtual instruments.  It is this aspect which excites me because if 
>>>>> indeed it is fully GarargeBand compatible, then my M-Audio keyboard 
>>>>> should work.  I'm hoping to be able to create some audio content for our 
>>>>> radio projects, amongst other things.  I've been talking to a friend of 
>>>>> mine today who runs a company which produces audio stuff for use on 
>>>>> commercial radio and TV.  If you are a Smooth Radio listener here in the 
>>>>> UK, you'll have heard Alex's work and actually I believe he's also done 
>>>>> some stuff for US radio organisations as well.  But anyway I'm getting 
>>>>> off the point.  The point here is that Alex has told me that he's more 
>>>>> than interested to see how this goes with regards access
> b
>> i
>>> l
>>>> it
>>>>> y.  It could be of use to him as well if I can help him with some of his 
>>>>> work load.  He uses ProTools primarily, with a 24-bit digital mixer 
>>>>> console purchased from the BBC when they decommissioned it.  That is the 
>>>>> core of his studio setup.  But he uses a lot of hardware music-creation 
>>>>> stuff which I can only dream about!  He is more than willing to help me 
>>>>> though if this works.  That's why Lynne decided to take the plunge and 
>>>>> test it.  If it works, great, so much the better for us all.  If it does, 
>>>>> I will produce an audio demo for the Sparkle Radio "Techno Chat" series 
>>>>> which is broadcast from here.
>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>> <--- Gordon Smith --->
>>>>> <gor...@mac-access.net>
>>>>> Telephone:
>>>>> United Kingdom:  Free Phone:
>>>>> 0800 8620538
>>>>> Mobile:
>>>>> +44 7907 823971
>>>>> Europe and other non-specified:
>>>>> +44 1642 688095
>>>>> United States Of America And Canada:
>>>>> +1 646 9151493
>>>>> Or:
>>>>> +1 209 436 9443
>>>>> Vic.  Australia:
>>>>> +61 38 8205930
>>>>> Vic.  Australia
>>>>> +61 39 0284505
>>>>> Fax:
>>>>> +44 1642 365123
>>>>> Follow Us On Twitter:
>>>>> <http://twitter.com/maciosaccess>
>>>>> Skype:
>>>>> <skype:mac-access-dot-net?call>
>>>>> ------------------------------
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