Hi Linda
On 4 Aug 2013, at 19:52, Linda C. Knight <l...@tampabay.rr.com> wrote:
> I saw from the beginning being a new mac user that pages is difficult.

> I wouldn't say that Pages is "difficult', once you get used to it, but it is 
> quite different from using what you might call a "traditional" word 
> processor. As others may have already explained, the real power of Pages is 
> not found in the menus but in the Inspector. You can bring this up with 
> Command+Option+I. From this window you can  control pretty much every aspect 
> of Pages.

That being said, you need to remember (and maybe you've discovered this 
already), that Voice Over support for Pages is quite rudimentary. This is such 
a shame and extremely disappointing. Maybe this will improve later this year. 
There are workarounds for a number of things such as including headers in 
documents, but they are long-winded and are sometimes hit and miss. You can 
include headings, but the process is quite time-consuming. Once you've got the 
headings you want though, you're good to go. Footnotes are another matter 
though. However, as with my following suggestion, what you use depends on what 
you want to do.
> I am wondering if anyone has a suggestion on a different word processor other
> than text edit.
There are a number of free solutions, including one that I believe is called 
"iText Express". If i remember correctly, this is a revamped version of 
TextEdit with some features including footnotes that TextEdit itself cannot 
create. If however you want an experience comparable to MS Word though, you 
might consider either Nisus Writer Express or Nisus Writer Pro. Each can be 
found in the App Store or on the developer's website at:


The support from the developer is excellent and both the Express and Pro 
versions can handle the importing of Word files. I think the difference between 
the two is that Express does not offer Tables of Contents and a few other 
features that the developers deem useful only to professionals. They are 
however quite expensive.

At the moment, neither of these products offer Voice Over support for tables. 
They do however offer a 15-day free trial from the website. 

Other people on this list use Nisus's word processing products and I'm sure 
that if you decided to give them a  try, we would all be happy to help you 
overcome any difficulties you might encounter.
> Hope this helps
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