Hi Sarah, 
I haven't been following what you're trying to do, but the likely source of 
your problem is that Yosemite changed both the default version of Ruby (2.0 
instead of 1.8.7) and its location, while Homebrew has sym links that are coded 
to expect the older version of Ruby.  Since it can't find the interpreter, it's 

I can't tell from what you've described what you are trying to do.  If it is a 
matter of fixing the sym links and you're running Yosemite and with a version 
of  Homebrew that was already updated and working under Mavericks then you can 
type the following 4 lines in Terminal to update Homebrew for Yosemite:

cd /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions
sudo ln -s Current 1.8
brew update
sudo rm 1.8

You basically change your directory so you can create a sym link to 1.8 for the 
current version of Ruby, run brew update, remove your sym link.  Source URL of 
the fix is:




On Jan 13, 2015, at 9:12 AM, Sarah k Alawami <marri...@gmail.com> wrote:

> hello all. I'm tryign to reinstall home brew. I followed the prompts but got  
> this when doin ghte clean up.
> usr/local/bin/brew: /usr/local/Library/brew.rb: 
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby: bad 
> interpreter: No such file or directory
> /usr/local/bin/brew: line 21: /usr/local/Library/brew.rb: Undefined error: 0
> How do I proceed from here? I really hope I don't have to remove the 
> directories by hand.
> it still clames home brew is installed so can't reinstall it, I don't think 
> with this mess.
> Tc  to all.
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