Usenet is a segment of the Internet created for the pre-web purpose of establishing and sustaining text-only discussions...sort of a sprawling, anything-goes bulletin board. I'd guess that far more Internet users than not with less than 10 years experience have never heard of, or at least never used it, since its functions are easily duplicated on the web.

Long long ago, somebody figured out how to encode things like applications, photos, movies, etc. into plain text, so that people could post them in chunks in text discussions and other users could download the text and reassemble it into a functional whole on the other end. Usenet discussions are organized into a hierarchy where their origins are part of the group name, and "alt." (probably short for "alternative") is the beginning prefix for all the catchall groups that don't fit in any other area. So, living alongside discussions of TV shows, geneaology, hard science and Aunt Edna's cobbler recipe are split binary files of software, pirated movies, porn and lots of other unsavory things. Not surprisingly, "alt." is also the largest and most-used section of Usenet.

AT&T has, I'm sure, precise metrics of how much use the various groups get (I don't fiddle with Usenet these days but last time I looked it had well in excess of 50,000 different discussion groups, most of them long-abandoned) and has apparently decided Usenet has become more trouble than it's worth, at least from the standpoint of the alt. groups. So, they've removed access to a large chunk (or possibly all, I don't know because I'm not on AT&T and haven't fired up a Usenet reader in some time) of them.

If you want to go exploring Usenet, search 'Usenet' on and it'll give you a selection of newsreader applications. In my experience, the various flavors of Newswatcher were the easiest to work with (you'll primarily need to know the address of the Usenet server at your provider so it can access that) and expect it to take a while downloading the group list before you can actually access any groups. Not as long as you would have in the past, however. Alternatively, there are a number of third parties who provide access to Usenet (usually by subscription) via their own servers over the web.

On Jul 12, 2008, at 12:29 PM, Edie Marta wrote:

Riddles to me--usenet? And what was cut off, and what did AT&T do again?
Clarification need for a woman with a small brain.

On Jul 12, 2008, at 12:25 PM, Ed Wiser wrote:

Yes, Russ the web got a little smaller yesterday. Many not realize it yet as most have never used usenet but a lot was cut off yesterday.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:macgroup- [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of R. D. Preston
Sent: Saturday, July 12, 2008 10:25 AM
To: Macintosh topics
Subject: Re: [MacGroup] Bellsouth drops newsgroups

…just more of the same: simply glorious and thoroughly

 complete customer service provided by AT&T.



On Jul 12, 2008, at 7:52 AM, Ed Wiser wrote:

As an old school intertube user I grew up on newsgroups and yesterday Bellsouth dropped the bomb.

They dropped all the alt.** groups. Thought I would post for other Bellsouth users wondering why their favorite newsgroup is not popping up in Unison. This new fangled Web page business stuff .

Read here. newsgroups

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