
My comment to my daughter about you being a Geek is the highest complement I 
could give you, your one in a million and I’ve envied your abilities for 
years…she doesn’t know you and this was a good way to explain your talents.


> On Jul 2, 2018, at 2:55 PM, John Robinson <profilecoven...@icloud.com> wrote:
> Is this the definition of BIG DATA?  Thanks so much Lee, this is so 
> interesting and accurate..
> John
>> On Jul 2, 2018, at 2:52 PM, Lee Larson <leelar...@me.com 
>> <mailto:leelar...@me.com>> wrote:
>> On Jul 2, 2018, at 12:11 PM, Bill Rising <bris...@mac.com 
>> <mailto:bris...@mac.com>> wrote:
>>> Part of the difference could come from where she wears the fitbit. After 
>>> some discussions in our family (back when there was a friendly competition 
>>> about who could rack up the most steps), experimentation showed that many 
>>> more steps got registered if the fitbit was on a sock/shoe than if it was 
>>> near the waist, and near the waist registered more than near the neck.
>> I suspect this is right. I have a pretty good Omron pedometer, designed to 
>> be worn at waist level. It is basically an accelerometer that counts steps 
>> by measuring the acceleration and deceleration as I walk or run. The Apple 
>> Watch is on my wrist and I’m much more likely to shake my wrist around, 
>> adding phantom steps.
>> I did an experiment this morning. The dog took me to Hays-Kennedy park and I 
>> steadily walked on the track while counting my steps. I wore the following:
>> • Omron pedometer near my right hip clipped to the waistband of my shorts.
>> • iPhone in my left pocket running the Pedometer++ app.
>> • Apple Watch on my left wrist.
>> • Garmin Vivofit on my right wrist.
>> Here are the results:
>> • 2578 = my count of the number of steps
>> • 2564 = Omron                       (0.5% low)
>> • 2607 = iPhone                      (1.1% high)
>> • 2702 = Apple Watch                 (6.6% high)
>> • 2637 = Garmin                      (4.1% high)
>> It seems the ones near the hips are most accurate. 
>> L^2
>> PS/ Pedometer++ has the capability to average in the count from the Apple 
>> Watch. I turned that off in its preferences.
>> PPS/ The Apple Watch may have been skewed because I was holding a very 
>> active leash in my left hand most of the time.
>> ---
>> ‌Lee Larson‌  leelar...@me.com <mailto:leelar...@me.com>‌
>> ‌Alf Todd,’ said Ukridge, soaring to an impressive burst of imagery, ‘has 
>> about as much chance as a one-armed blind man in a dark room trying to shove 
>> a pound of melted butter into a wild-cat’s ear with a red-hot needle.’ ‌— P. 
>> G. Wodehouse
>> ‌Ukridge, 1924‌
>> ‌
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