Oh Jonathan, you’ll be the first to adapt!  


Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 19, 2018, at 1:06 PM, Jonathan Fletcher <li...@fletcherdata.com> wrote:
> You just spelled out the plot for a horror movie coming soon: "Killmower In 
> 3D"
>> On Nov 19, 2018, at 12:28 PM, John Robinson <profilecoven...@icloud.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Excellent, and yes, we will adjust…I can’t wait for self driving mowers that 
>> are larger than a shoebox, that will spell RELIEF!
> --
> Jonathan Fletcher
> Workplace Innovation Facilitator
> jonat...@fletcherdata.com
> Kentuckiana FileMaker Developers Group
> Next Meeting: 11/27/18
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