Better info:
machinekit@beaglebone:/usr/bin$ dpkg -l machinekit* 
ii  machinekit     0.1.14581376 armhf        PC based motion controller for 
machinekit@beaglebone:/usr/bin$ cat /etc/dogtag 
Machinekit Debian Image 2016-02-07

On Wednesday, December 28, 2016 at 12:05:04 AM UTC-5, Daren Schwenke wrote:
> I've been running the following older debian 7 image for many months, with 
> many 6+ hour prints, and zero lockups (knock on wood).
> Not sure what version of this image this was, but here are some file dates:
> machinekit@beaglebone:/etc$ uname -a
> Linux beaglebone 3.8.13-xenomai-r78 #1 Sat Sep 26 16:54:43 UTC 2015 armv7l 
> GNU/Linux
> machinekit@beaglebone:/etc$ ls -al /usr/bin/linuxcnc
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 24129 Mar 16  2016 /usr/bin/linuxcnc
> machinekit@beaglebone:/usr/bin$ ls -al /usr/bin/hal_temp_bbb
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 9567 Mar 16  2016 /usr/bin/hal_temp_bbb
> I had experienced lockups in other versions, but my hardware has also 
> changed since then with better shielding and smoother power to the BBB.
> haltalk (using Machineface) in that build can consume 30% proc at times, 
> and this seems to cause random blobbies in the prints.
> The effect is worse at high segment speeds (160mm/sec, all arcs). 
>  Disconnecting mostly eliminates them and the print continues, so that's 
> what I do.  It works so I'm not messing with it.
> On Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 9:40:39 AM UTC-5, Jonathan Cohen wrote:
>> I took my printer down since the hot end was locking up during a long 
>> print.  I have posted about this over the past year.  I recently purchased 
>> a new microsd card, put on a new image of Jessie 8.6.  I also replaced the 
>> hotend thermistor, redid all of the wiring to decrease the effect of EMI 
>> near the cartridge heater leads.  I got off one reasonable 4hr test print. 
>>  However, on an overnight, the ADC locked up at maybe the 5 hr mark on a 
>> 6.5 hr print (not heating).  So,  I recall Charles writing about the ADC 
>> driver being a bit temperamental, sensitive to over-voltage and such.  I am 
>> powering the beaglebone through the AUX in on the CRAMPS board through a 5V 
>> LM2596 buck regulator (
>>  I recently went a made sure that it was set to 5V to be sure.  Prior to 
>> that I was using a 5V DC adapter where I still had this issue. My cable 
>> management is reasonable so I do not think wires are moving about. 
>> 1. So what I want to know is whether this is a particular problem that is 
>> always going to be sporadic during a print ? 
>> 2. Is there no straightforward solution ?  I tried several microSD cards, 
>> thinking it was a quality issue or corruption of the card but that did not 
>> fix it. I also though my thermistor may have been bad, or the wiring out 
>> both so I swapped that out, to no avail. 
>> 3.  There was mention of a buggy ADC driver in an older kernel.  Has this 
>> same driver been brought along to the new Debian release /
>> 4. I did see in the forums about using an external ADC, is this possible 
>> to implement on the CRAMPS (I am not sure if the SPI is broken out).  
>> 5. Is this an issue that everyone who uses the Beaglebone/CRAMPS combo, 
>> sees ?
>> 6. I slice in Cura, is this a G-code problem ? ( I am not using the 
>> remapped G-codes0
>> 7. 5.  Does this occur with the Replicape board ?
>> 8.  Is it time to throw in the towel ?
>> I really like the using an embedded platform for running a printer.  This 
>> is a bit frustrating as I can not figure it out.  Everyone on this board 
>> has been really helpful.  I have scoured the board looking for solutions, 
>> but am still at a loss (probably since I am not a programmer or engineer !) 
>> Thanks,
>> Jonathan

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