On Jan 7, 2015, at 11:51 AM, LuKreme <krem...@kreme.com> wrote:

> On Jan 6, 2015, at 11:29 PM, Macs R We <macs...@macsrwe.com> wrote:
>> The NTP exploit required the exploiter to be on the same local network as I 
>> am.  That puts my actual risk in the vicinity of “ho hum."
> If you are on a cable connection there might be a few thousand people on your 
> “local” network.

I am my own internet provider.  I am well firewalled and am quite aware of the 
security available on my network.

>> I want to decide when new stuff hits the computer I own, thank you very 
>> much.  
> If you leave a machine on the Internet that can be completely exploited then 
> you are a danger to me.

Oh, puh-leeze.  If you really believe the collectivist nonsense that other 
people somehow owe you a duty to run their machines to your standards, then 
you’d better get your tinfoil hat on and climb down into your fallout shelter, 
because there are millions of them out there who aren't.

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