James Stepanek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm simply trying to install the DBI module. I have
> tried both the CPAN method as well as dowloading the
> files myself and trying the makefile route. Both give
> me the same errors.

What's the error?  We'd be able to help a lot better if we knew.

> It all comes down to this message. This doesn't make
> any sense to me since this directory just doesn't
> exist.
> (You get this message, because MakeMaker could not
> find "/System/Library/Perl/darwin/CORE/perl.h")

That file doesn't exist on your system?  It does on mine.  Have you moved 
the Perl files around?  Not a great idea, you're not generally supposed 
to mess with the stuff in /System .


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