-r--r--r--   1 root     wheel       92539 Oct  4 20:52 
Oct  4
built perl 5.6.1
DBI and other DB modules works fine...

On Friday, November 2, 2001, at 08:46  AM, James Stepanek wrote:

> I know this has been beaten to death here (or so it
> would seem from the archives), but I'm afraid I still
> need help. I have read the articles on the subject
> from the archive, but after following the instructions
> I still get the same error.
> I'm simply trying to install the DBI module. I have
> tried both the CPAN method as well as dowloading the
> files myself and trying the makefile route. Both give
> me the same errors.
> It all comes down to this message. This doesn't make
> any sense to me since this directory just doesn't
> exist.
> (You get this message, because MakeMaker could not
> find "/System/Library/Perl/darwin/CORE/perl.h")
> Any advice would be welcome.
> James
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