On Thu, 3 Oct 2002, Puneet Kishor wrote:

> well, only if smbd (the samba daemon) is running on the remote server.
> Samba is generally for making *nix fs appear on Win boxes, no?

Well, it's standard Windows file sharing, of which the protocol has been
reimplemented for *nix systems and, in this case, OSX. More simply it's
for attaching to any server offering the SMB/CIFS protocol; Windows boxes
can do this out of the box if you turn on file sharing, *nix machines can
do this with a bit more work but from the client side it shouldn't matter.

More or less any protocol can be tunneled through SSH if you know how.

> % ssh -l username -L 10139:remotehost:139 remotehost sleep 300
> (139 is the samba port... I mapped it above to the local 10139 port).
> Then I went to the finder and tried to connect to
> smb://remotehost:139/ but that did not work... got
> error -36. So, I did try it, but...

So what you need to do, for want of VPN access (oh yeah, Jaguar support
for VPN rocks if you can take advantage of it) is to set up an ssh tunnel
through which you can run Samba or any other file sharing protocol. It
shouldn't matter which protocol you end up using, I think.

Actually, WebDAV might be easier in that it can run over http port 80,
which is generally not blocked by firewalls. Purists will argue that
overloading ports to get past firewalls is bad, and well I agree but
pragmatically it may be the best way for you to go here.

>From what I can tell, WebDAV -- known on OSX10.0/10.1 as "iDisk" and on
Windows as "web folders" -- seems to have been crafted to solve exactly
the problem you're trying to deal with here: create & edit files on remote
disks as if they were local resources, and yet potentially you can have
many people collaborating on these files too. Neat-o! :)

Chris Devers    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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