At 9:54 pm +0900 7/10/02, Robin wrote:

>I guess this is what comes of expecting things to be more 
>complicated than they actually are :-)
>>At 18:38 Uhr +0900 07.10.2002, Robin wrote:
>>>saved as script_name.command....... .opens it in TextEdit,
>On Monday, October 7, 2002, at 09:25 PM, John Delacour wrote:
>>If you change the extension of you've just created to 
>>.command and double-click it, it will launch the Terminal and the 
>>script will run.
>This is what I'd read but it doesn't work for me- it opens the 
>script in the applicaton used to create it

Which application was that?  That may be the cause of the problem. 
If I save the file in TextEdit, no matter if I save as plain text 
with only the .pl extension, then BBEdit on opening the file cannot 
run the script even though the syntax appears/is correct and gives 
bogus error messages.  I don't know quite what happens here.

>On Monday, October 7, 2002, at 09:15 PM, Rafael K. Kobylinski wrote:
>>Check the file info dialog - maybe the real extension is .txt and 
>>is set to be not visible, maybe the preferred application gets into 
>>the way. The .command extension works for me.
>Oddly enough I hadn't checked this - OSX appears to use the file 
>extension for a lot of stuff - the file extension was correct, 
>however I needed to change the application to

On my system, immediately I change the extension to .command, the 
BBEdit icon disappears and the file becomes a Terminal file.

>that's true but I know perl and I haven't used AppleScript since 
>around OS 7  so until I can figure out how to write an AppleScript 
>wrapper for perl this'll have to do :-)

There's very little to it in respect of running shell scripts, though 
there are snags.  Well worth looking at.


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