i'm back to fooling around with Mac::iTunes again.  i took a week off after
the Mac OS X Conference because i had been thinking about it too much. [
side note:  never trust an audience.  i let them access (through Apache::iTunes)
my iTunes (on the G3 projecting the fancy powerpoint on the screen and hooked
up to the house sound).  i asked them to take turns, but alas.  ]

tonight i want to get a Perl version of iTunes Publisher off my to-do list,
so i start mucking with the parsing bits again.  some of the MP3s now live 
on another partition, and that partition name is a different length than
the old one.

this means that the 20 fixed bytes between the volume name and the date,
which are \000 in every case i looked at, is really 27 - (length of volume
name).  i can name partitions with names up to 27 characters, but if i go past
that it look like it initially works but then gives a warning.  what's the deal?
what is magic about 27?  why not 31?  i assume that these are C strings somewhere
so the null bytes makes them a nice, even number.

i took me quite a while to actually find this problem.  Perl is not the best language
for bytewise manipulation of binary data.  all of that auto-stringy stuff gets in
the way.  however, C doesn't have hashes out of the box.  i'm stuck somewhere in
the middle of two equally annoying solutions.  :)

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