On Fri, 15 Nov 2002, Kee Hinckley wrote:

> At 11:05 PM -0800 11/14/02, Heather Madrone wrote:
> >  >More to the point though, if you haven't installed the developer 
> >package, you don't have a make at all--that may be your problem.
> >
> >Which developer package would that be?
> The developer install CD.  It comes with the OS purchase.  I don't 
> know if comes standard with every machine or not.  It has the 
> compiler and all the other tools on it.

On new machines (I think at least since August), the Developer tools 
are actually on the disk of your machine, just not installed.  What
you're looking for is:

   /Applications/Installers/Developer\ Tools/Developer.mpkg

Double-click, and, voila! Instant developer's tool goodness. :-)  
(Somebody else alluded to this in a previous message, but I know I 
personally didn't catch on to this until somebody made it reaaally
clear that they were all there, no CD needed for a new Mac.


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