On Friday, December 13, 2002, at 10:50 AM, Chris Nandor wrote:

At 10:35 +1100 2002.12.13, Ken Williams wrote:
Chris, do you know where 'keyReplyPortAttr' is defined?
Hm. That's in AEMach.h. This is the workaround I was using to get AESend
to work at all on Mac OS X. If that won't work, I wonder if even
precompiled binaries will work.

To see if it will, use the 0.02 binaries you have installed and try this

% perl -MMac::AppleEvents -e '$e = AEBuildAppleEvent(qw(misc actv sign MACS
-1 0), ""); AESend($e, kAEWaitReply); AEDisposeDesc($e)'
0.02 binaries? Where are those available? I only have the 0.01 binaries installed for Mac::Carbon, and it looks like Mac::AppleEvents isn't part of that.


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