On Friday, December 13, 2002, at 04:27  PM, brian d foy wrote:

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Enrique Terrazas

I tried installing using cpan (Jaguar 10.2.2, perl 5.8.0) and ran into the
following problem:

cp Carbon.pm blib/lib/Mac/Carbon.pm
cp AppleEvents.pm ../blib/lib/Mac/AppleEvents.pm
/usr/local/bin/perl /Library/Perl/ExtUtils/xsubpp
the developers release that isn't on CPAN does not use the
standard xsubpp.  if you see "ExtUtils/xsubpp" in the output,
you have an older version of the Mac::Carbon distribution.
I've been working on the ExtUtils::ParseXS module, which is designed to render this approach obsolete. It's on CPAN right now, maybe it could be used here instead of custom/version-specific xsubpps?

The goal is to have One True Version of xsubpp, as a module instead of a script, which works on any [reasonable] platform & version of perl. I've started with the xsubpp in bleadperl, and it seems to backport fine to 5.6.0 from my testing so far.


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