Well, I can be of a little help, I think:

On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, at 12:23 AM, Rich Morin wrote:

I've come up with some peculiar questions about OSX file systems:

  *  How can I get the file length and size on disk for a file's Data
     and Resource forks?
At the BSD level, the resource fork is found by looking at <filename>/rsrc

So, if I have file foo, with both data and resource forks, I can look at
$dataforksize = -s "foo"
$rsrcforksize = -s "foo/rsrc"

The psync utility uses this method to back up hard drives. That's where I first noticed it.

Unfortunately, I don't have much to contribute on the rest of your questions.

John Gilmore-Baldwin

  *  How can I get the "Kind" information (as reported by File Buddy,
     Get Info, and Super Get Info)?

  *  How can I get the contents of an alias?

  *  Is the MacOSX::File::Info "content modification time" _always_ the
     same as the BSD modify time (i.e., stat's mtime field)?

  *  What does it mean for the sticky bit to be set on a symlink (e.g.,
     /etc, /tmp, /var)?

     How did these links get these modes, anyway?  The chmod(1) man
     page seems to indicate that it has no effect on symlinks...

  *  Whenever I create a symlink, the mode ends up as 770, regardless
     of my umask.  Why?  Does this mean anything?

Any help would be appreciated.

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