On Thu, 6 Jan 2005, Jeff Lowrey wrote:

> I might actually look at the apache configuration, and see if it's 
> using ServerName=catnip.local, and fix that.

This sounds like the right solution to me. 

>From what I can tell, if the ServerName directive is undefined in the 
Apache configuration, then it will default to the host name, which the 
Mac is going to see as `hostname`.local. If she manually specifies --

    ServerName catnip.company.com

-- in /etc/httpd/httpd.conf, then restarts Apache with a --

   $ sudo apachectl configtest && sudo apachectl restart

-- then everything should begin working properly.

Mucking around with the hosts file is the wrong way to fix this. For one 
thing, Panther doesn't even necessarily pay attention to it (by default 
it ignores it and most other files in /etc, if I remember right), but 
more importantly you're fixing the symptom (redirecting the host name) 
rather than the real problem (apache should use a portable name). Fix 
the real problem and the symptom will go away.

Chris Devers

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