On Feb 15, 2005, at 1:26 PM, Mike Lesser wrote:

Hi all. I'm having some difficulty dealing with packages like PDF::API2; it's just too huge! This package has no man pages, just some perldocs (perldoxen?)

Man pages are generated automatically from perldocs when you install the module. They're mistakenly installed to /man though, instead of /usr/share/man.

There are two solutions:

1. Move everything under /man to the corresponding subdirectory under /usr/share/man. (You'll have to repeat this every time you install a new module.)

2. Export a MANPATH variable into your environment. That *replaces* the default search path, so you'll need to include the default paths too: "/usr/share/man:/usr/X11R6/man:/man".

I thought about generating man pages with pod2man, but this won't provide any indication of the hierarchy.

That's *exactly* how they're generated when you install the module.

Oh, and is something wrong with the perl.macosx group? It seems to be dead, at least for me (then again i have earthlink).

It's a low-traffic list. Not much to say about Perl on Mac OS X that doesn't also apply to Perl on any other Unix.


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