John Delacour wrote:
At 9:45 pm +0000 2/3/05, Phil Dobbin wrote:
I'm thinking that if he's not comfortable with pico maybe emacs is not the best idea...
I'd love to hear a convincing explanation from someone why anyone would use such tools in preference to TextWrangler, BBEdit or Affrus. I can imagine they'd make it a chore to write code in us-ascii

You imagine wrong. There's a reason that emacs and vi have been popular for so many years, and since long before OS X was even thought of.

> and either a
nightmare or an impossibility to deal with non-ascii, but maybe that's because I'm just an unreformed Mac user :-)

If you put non-ASCII in your code you're doing something wrong. Language-specific stuff - including English - belongs in a seperate resource file if you care about internationalisation.

David Cantrell | Hero of the Information Age

Nuke a disabled unborn gay baby whale for JESUS!

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