I thought by default OS X has the cgi setup automatically.
I didn't have to do anything, just turned on the web server.
And put the perl script in the CGI-EXECUTABLES folder and it works.

That works, yes - but it's not what Mike wants to do. On many servers, files with a .cgi extension are run as CGI scripts, regardless of what directory they're in. Mike asked how to enable that behavior.

Ted, I don't know exactly -what- I'm trying to do! ;-) I believe that I should have whatever is the most common setup for home development, but I don't know if that is the same as the default Mac setup, or if they conflict in some way. I can't make any assumptions really.

If I should be using scripts with a cgi extension in my Sites folder,
because that's the easy way to get started, then that's great. It
looks like I may have broken that behavior by following the articles,
and need to do some repair on httpd.conf. I figured I should post all
the stuff I messed with, so see if any of it was stupid.

Also Is there any reason why I would want to go in a particular direction with
regard to cgi extensions or html /shtml?

While I'm sure that this is the kind of stuff I'll eventually be familiar
with, I don't want to create extra headaches or compat problems early on.


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