Duh... of course... that's what all those tests are for. Sorry... I'm a little (a lot) new at the install process. I installed MIME::Lite using the process below and it worked like a charm.

Many thanks again to all who helped.

Now... to wright the program... I'm sure I'll be back. :)

Thanks again,


On Apr 29, 2005, at 10:02 AM, Joseph Alotta wrote:

So I think things are good.

Two questions:

1. How would I test Mac::Glue (simply) to make sure everything is as it should be?

It already went through tests in the above install. Otherwise, begin writing your program.

2. Now that Xcode is installed and the cpan module seems to be working correctly, what is the best way to install modules?
cpan> install <module name - i.e. Mac::Glue>

That's it. Make sure cpan is running under sudo.

Thanks again for all your help. I really appreciate it. I've been programming with the basics of perl for a few years, now and never installed a module through cpan before.



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