At 9:59 am +0800 26/7/06, Peter N Lewis wrote:

I'm interested in producing some drawings/diagrams/pictures based on 3D data/objects generated from Perl. Something that would allow me to write code that generates boxes, cylinders, spheres, etc with various colours and material styles and generate an image (or potentially an animation).

Any suggestions? The best bet seems to be to use SDL_Perl, although a brief look seems to indicate I'll be installing packages for the next month.

After several attempts over the past 2 years to install all that's necessary to do this sort of thing with PerlDL (I can't remember if I looked at SDL_Perl) I ended up doing these things with Smile/SmileLab <>, some of the data being generated with Perl. Smile creates vector PDF files and these can be converted to DXF using a programme called Cenon <> for import to other programmes or for numerically controlled machinery. Ghostscript and hpijs <>, both simply installed, are all that is needed besides. Smile can also create movies from the drawings. I have not done any 3D work but a licence for Smile allows this also.

Write me off-list if you'd like some examples.


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