I always use 
To do the installation. 

In your case, I would use 

sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell'

You wouldn't get those warnings if you do this.

Ted zeng 

-----Original Message-----
From: Moisés Chicharro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 9:01 AM
To: macosx@perl.org
Subject: Re: Perl Module Installation

Thanks to everyone for their suggestions.

I ran the 'perl -MCPAN -e shell' and it told me to update the module  
which I did. So I now have v1.7601.

However, when trying to run 'install DBI', it piled a whole load of  
stuff into the terminal window which ended with this below ( the NOT  
OK bit is worrying me )...

test.pl done
   /usr/bin/make test -- OK
Running make install
Manifying blib/man1/dbiproxy.1
Warning: You do not have permissions to install into /usr/local/man/ 
man1 at /System/Library/Perl/5.8.6/ExtUtils/Install.pm line 114.
mkdir /usr/local/man/man3: Permission denied at /System/Library/Perl/ 
5.8.6/ExtUtils/Install.pm line 112
make: *** [pure_site_install] Error 255
   /usr/bin/make install  -- NOT OK

Does that make sense to any of you guys?

Thanks again for your help :)

On 23 Aug 2006, at 17:45, Daniel T. Staal wrote:

> On Wed, August 23, 2006 12:27 pm, Moisés Chicharro said:
>> Hi All,
>> Can anyone point me to a decent tutorial for installing perl modules.
>> The one I have downloaded is DBI-1.52.tar.gz
>> I am running OS X 10.4.7 and have never installed a perl module
>> before. I have found various pages on the net but I don't want to
>> mess things up so would like to make sure that the tutorial I am
>> reading has been recommended by some experts! :)
>> I am also assuming that the right directory for my install is
>> System/Library/Perl/5.8.6/
>> Thankyou in advance,
>> Mo
> In general the best way to install Perl modules is to use CPAN.
> Use Terminal and run 'perl -MCPAN -e shell' (or just 'cpan') and  
> answer
> the questions it asks.  If you don't know the answer, use the default.
> Then, while in the CPAN shell, type 'install DBI'.  It will get the  
> latest
> version, unpack it, test it, and install it for you.
> You will of course need the devloper tools to do this, in case you  
> haven't
> installed them already.
> Daniel T. Staal
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> This email copyright the author.  Unless otherwise noted, you
> are expressly allowed to retransmit, quote, or otherwise use
> the contents for non-commercial purposes.  This copyright will
> expire 5 years after the author's death, or in 30 years,
> whichever is longer, unless such a period is in excess of
> local copyright law.
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